Step 4: Set up Email Marketing

Christy Cook Updated by Christy Cook

Follow the instructions below to set up your domain and add the appropriate records to your DNS.

  1. Navigate to Account Settings > Email Setup and enter the domain that you own, that you want to send emails from. For example, if you are sending an email from enter your sending domain as

  1. Get your DNS records. DailyStory will provide content similar to the below. In the next step, you will need to add these records to your DNS for your domain. Typically, this is where you purchased your domain, such as GoDaddy.

  1. Enter DNS settings to your domain. Go to your DNS provider and enter the following TXT and MX records from the above step. For example, here are how several records look in a customer DNS for GoDaddy:
Your DNS provider is where you registered your domain. For example, if your domain is and you created that domain in GoDaddy, you would edit the DNS record in GoDaddy.

Below are some links to common DNS providers' documentation on DNS records:

Important: when you enter a record only use the Hostname portion, e.g. 'ds' or 'pic.domainkey.ds'. Unless specified by your domain provider, you do not need to enter the full domain, e.g. '' when setting up your records.

Validate your DNS records

Once you have added the entries to your DNS, the records should be updated within 20-30 minutes and often times much sooner.

There are two ways you can check if your records are set up correctly:
  1. Validate within DailyStory

Navigate to Account Settings > Email.

You will be taken directly to your DNS records.

If the DNS records are not set up correctly, you'll see a red ! with a tool-tip. This indicates that the DNS record was either not found or setup incorrectly.

When the DNS record is set up correctly, you'll see a green check with a tool-tip.

  1. Validate with MX Toolbox

MX Toolbox is a free and commercial tool that you can use to validate your email DNS records.

Go to and enter your domain. If you set up the domain, enter

When setup correctly, MX Toolbox will show green check boxes next to your records.

Please contact us if you need assistance setting up your DNS records. We would be happy to help.

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Step 3: Create Customer Lists

Step 5: Set up SMS Marketing
