Event widget

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

The Event widget dynamically retrieves and displays a list of upcoming events based on each recipient's geographic location.

For example, display a list of upcoming Pickleball tournaments within 25 miles of Seattle, WA:

Design options

When the widget is selected, the designer options for the widget is shown:

Number of Events to Show

Used to determine the number of events to show in the list (between 1 - 10). The list is automatically sorted by the event start date.

Within a Radius of

Events are only included if they are within the radius (1 - 500 miles) determined from the "From" property.


The event location can be set to a fixed address (An address) or dynamically use the location of the recipient (Recipient's location).

When "An address" is selected a valid address is provided in the address field (not shown above). When set to "Recipient's location" the location is calculated based on the recipient's address.

If an address is not provided or an address is not found for the recipient, the widget will default to the tenant's address.

Summary Length

If the event supports a description, the summary length determines the number of characters shown.

Space between rows

The vertical space between each event row.

Error Messages

If no events are found within the specified radius and location:

"There are no events within {Radius} miles of your location."

If the location is invalid, an error message is shown:

"We're sorry, but we were unable to determine your location to show related events."

How Did We Do?

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RSS widget
