Viewing the Contacts in a Segment

Christy Cook Updated by Christy Cook

  1. To view the contacts in a segment navigate to Contacts and All Segments:
  1. Select the segment of interest (in this example, All Contacts). From the dashboard, you can view:
  • Total members - total members of the segment
  • Eligible for email - contacts that are both opted in and have a valid email address
  • Eligible for text messaging - contacts that are both opted in and have a valid mobile phone number
  • Eligible for push notifications - contacts that are both opted in and have a valid mobile app id
  • Opted out of email - contacts that have opted out of email
  • Opted out of text messages - contacts that have opted out of text messages
  • Opted out of push notification - contacts that have opted out of push notifications
  • Opted out of phone calls - contacts who have opted out of phone calls

From this view you can also use search to perform some basic searching and filtering of contacts in the segment. You can also add/remove contacts from your segment if it is not a dynamic segment.

If your segment is dynamic you cannot add or remove contacts from your segment. Instead, you will need to modify the search criteria of the dynamic segment

To remove contacts from the segment, click the checkbox next to a contact and then click the Remove link:

When scheduling a message, such as an email or a text message, the total number of contacts the message can reach is determined using the statistics. For example, if the above segment is used for an email only 15,138 contacts are able to be contacted by email.

You may also wonder why the number eligible for email plus the number opted out only adds up to 6,967. In this case there are 1,333 contacts in the segment that either have an invalid email or don't have an email specified. The same is true for other forms of communication such as text messaging.

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