Personalization widget

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

The Personalization widget is a special content container. Add content to the container then specify personalization rules to determine when that content is shown. The widget makes it easy to use personalization in your emails without requiring use of personalization scripts.

For example, include specific content if the email recipient meets a condition, such as membership:

In the designer, the blue "Personalized Block" is shown to indicate this is a personalized block of content. This label is removed when the email is shown.

Design options

When the widget is selected, the designer options for the widget is shown:

Contact field to evaluate

Select the contact field to evaluate, such as "Customer Group". This includes both standard contact fields as well as any custom fields you created or created with an integration.


The condition is what you are evaluating for. For example, is equal to, is less than and so on. The special "contains" condition allows for evaluation of multiple values.


The value you want to match for to show the content in the personalization block.

In the example below the block is shown if the contact's customer group is one of either: Gold, Silver, or Bronze.

Working with Tags

In addition to standard personalization fields, the Personalization widget also supports tags. This enables content to be shown if the contact has, or does not have, one or more tags assigned to them.

In the example below the personalization widget is configured to only show if the contact has either the "Previous Customer" or "Prospect" tag. Otherwise the content is not shown.

Testing Personalization

When working with personalization in an email, the personalization can be tested using the "Preview As" functionality. This enables you to preview the email as any existing contact.

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