ChatGPT Writing Assistant

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

DailyStory includes support for a ChatGPT writing assistant to assist with creating content for emails and text messages.

Text Messages

When authoring text messages you can utilize ChatGPT to help create your content or revise your content.

To work with existing content from a text message simply click the robot icon below the text message content area. Or, click when creating a new text message and use prompts to help write your text message.

This will open the ChatGPT writing assistant.

Email Marketing

When authoring emails you can utilize ChatGPT to help create your subject line, preview text, and refine your message content.

To work with existing content simply click the robot icon next to the email subject or preview. Or, click when creating a new email to use prompts to help write your email subject and preview text.

This will open the ChatGPT writing assistant.

When editing the copy of an email first select the text block in the designer. Next, select the block of text to edit by highlighting it:

Note: you can edit the entire block of content, but we recommend using the writing assistant only for the text you want to directly update as formatting isn't always preserved.

This will open the ChatGPT writing assistant.

ChatGPT writing assistant

The ChatGPT writing assistant opens whenever you click on the writing assistant button. Use the dropdown to select how you would like ChatGPT to modify your content.

Note: whenever your content is updated by ChatGPT it automatically corrects any spelling or grammar errors.

For example, the starting text "SMS text message marketing is a powerful tool in your digital marketing toolkit with many benefits, but it can feel a little intimidating for small businesses to dive into." with the action "more sales focused" results in, "Unlock the full potential of your digital marketing strategy with SMS text message marketing! Don't let the fear of the unknown hold your small business back from reaching new heights. Our experts are here to guide you every step of the way and ensure that you reap the numerous benefits that SMS marketing has to offer. Let's take your business to the next level!".

Once you are satisfied with the updated copy, click the Update button and the copy will be updated.

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