Managing Contact Opt-in and Opt-out Preferences

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

Contacts in DailyStory can be opted in or out of various communication. The article below describes the various options.

Manually Setting Contact Preferences

An individual's opt-in and opt-out preferences are configurable when viewing the contact. Each individual opt-in or opt-out preference is configurable, overriding any previous opt-in/opt-out preferences. Changes made here are also logged.

For example, it is possible to be opted out of emails while remaining opted in to SMS.

Do Not Contact

If a contact record has all opt out preferences set to Yes (opted out). The record is automatically made inactive and set to Do Not Contact.

Unlike other optout preferences, the Do Not Contact status prevents all communication to the recipient including transactional messages.

When a contact is configured as Do Not Contact, the following is displayed on their contact detail screen:

To undo the do not contact setting, click Reset Status. This will open a window to confirm the intent to reset and manually override the contact's do not contact status:

Clicking, Yes, Opt Back In will:

  • Opt the contact back in to all communication channels
  • Change the contact's status from Inactive to Active

Do Not Contact Until

Do Not Contact Until is a global optout of all communication until a specific date.

Setting the do not contact until date

The do not contact until date is set by either editing the contact and setting a do not contact until date or when the contact modifies their subscription preferences.

Setting do not contact until on the contact record

When viewing a contact, scroll to the bottom section "Opt out and Do Not Contact" and click the "Edit" button. If a contact has a do not contact date it will be shown here.

Next, set a future date and either "Save" or "Clear". To save a date the date must be in the future. Clicking "Clear" will remove the do not contact until date.

Recipient sets do not contact on email opt out screen

The recipient of an email can click on the opt out link in the email and change their email preferences. One of those preferences is choosing to opt out of messages until a point in time in the future.

When a recipient sets this, this sets their do not contact until date until the specified date.

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