Two Column Container

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

The Two Column Container widget is a very flexible layout widget you can use to achieve various formatting options in the body of your email. It's is fully mobile friendly and will stack the columns in mobile devices.

Using the Two Column Container

When the Two Column Container is added to an email, it is initially configured to show two columns each allowed 50% of the display area. It is initially configured with a pre-set spacing of 10px between the columns:

Using the options in the Design section, these options can be configured. Changing the column 1 percentages from 50% to 10% changes the column percentage of column 2 to 90%:

This layout enables complete flexibility for the size of the columns to accomodate various formats. For example, an image in the left column that has a width of 150px along with text in the right column:

How Did We Do?

Header widget

Footer widget
