Email Technical Details

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

Below is some technical information about the email format and markup that DailyStory adds to your email.

Note, this only applies to emails that are edited or saved in the DailyStory designer. Raw HTML emails are preserved unmodified.

Sending Domain

Unless otherwise configured, email is sent by DailyStory from an email address.

It is strongly recommended that you configure a custom domain to allow DailyStory to send emails securely on your behalf or leverage DailyStory's Mailgun integration.

Enabling DailyStory to send email securely from your domain increases the likelihood that your email is successfully delivered. Otherwise, your sending email address will appear as [your name]@[your domain].com on behalf of

HTTP Headers

An unsubscribe header, List-Unsubscribe, with an unsubscribe link is automatically added to the header of all DailyStory emails. This is to conform with CAN-SPAM.

If the *|UNSUBSCRIBE|* merge tag is not found in the body of an email an unsubscribe link is automatically inserted at the end of the email.

HTML DocType

DailyStory will automatically set the DOCTYPE to instruct HTML parsers that the content in the email is XHTML 1.0 Transitional:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

Meta Tags

DailyStory will set the viewport meta tag:

<meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0" name="viewport">

DailyStory will set the Apple's message reformatting meta tag:

<meta name="x-apple-disable-message-reformatting">

DailyStory will set the Microsoft's IE Edge meta tag:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

DailyStory will set the meta tag to disable address recognition:

<meta content="address=no" name="format-detection">

DailyStory will set the meta tag to disable date recognition:

<meta content="date=no" name="format-detection">

DailyStory will set the meta tag to disable telephone recognition:

<meta content="telephone=no" name="format-detection">

DailyStory will set the meta tag to identify the content at HTML:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

How Did We Do?

Import and Export Emails

Troubleshoot Email Delivery
