Filtering your search

Christy Cook Updated by Christy Cook

When searching for contacts, you can use the following filter options to narrow down your search results.

View our How To video below, or keep scrolling for step-by-step instructions:

Use default contact fields as filters

You can use any of the default contact fields to filter your search. 

Use custom contact fields as filters

Depending on which third-party applications are integrated with your account, the custom contact fields that are available to your account may vary. In the following sample, the DailyStory account is integrated with RhinoFit and as a result the custom contact fields from RhinoFit are displayed in the drop-down list.

Note:  To enable a custom contact field as a search filter, the field must be indexed in the system. For more information about indexing custom fields, refer to Enabling your custom field in search

For fields that are configured to accept time period or range values, the default input method is a range value. You can toggle between range and period as preferred to specify your search criteria.

You can also do a ranged (from - to) and only use the "to" with a value of 0 to return records with a 0 or null/blank value.

Using contact location as filters

DailyStory captures the location of contacts that were created through geo-targeting and lead acquisition tools, such as Web Forms, Pop-ups, etc. The location of contacts that are engaged through integrated platforms, such as MINDBODY, are also available in DailyStory’s search database.

You can search for contacts based on their radial distance from a specified point or location. Enter a location in the Address box, and then specify the radial distance in miles by which your distance search covers. After setting the distance search criteria, select Find

Use campaign engagement as filters

If you want to search for contacts by their campaign engagement, use the fields available in this section. You can search for contacts based on which campaign and segments they are part of, as well as their behavior towards marketing content.

Using acquisition method as filters

You can use the fields in this section to search for contacts who were registered through Web Forms, Magic Forms, Pop-ups, or SMS Keywords.

How Did We Do?

Changing order of custom contact search fields

Common searches used for segments
