Text Message Replies Report

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

The Text Message Report provides a summary of all messages sent along with details for each message. Individual responses to a customer's query via DailyStory are free.

Review how to navigate to the text message replies report with our video tutorial (below) or keep scrolling for more in-depth instructions!

You can find the Replied Report by navigating to Reports > Text Messages .

The report provides an aggregate view of all messages sent in the specified time frame.

The tabs at the top provide additional aggregate views:

  • Replied - all replies in the specified time frame across all messages sent
  • Opted in - all opt-ins for the specified time frame
  • Opted Out - all opt-outs for the specified time frame
  • Usage - costs associated with sending text messages during the specified time frame
  • Exports - additional exports (downloadable CSV file)

Detail Report

Clicking on an individual text message provides a detailed view of the selected message:

Within the detail view are additional reports:

  • Delivered - list of contacts the message was delivered to
  • Failed - list of contacts that failed to receive the message
  • Clicked - if click tracking is enabled, a list of contacts that clicked the link
  • Replied - replies to the text message
Replies to a text message cost $0.
  • Opted Out - any opt-outs for the text message

How Did We Do?

Sending a Test Text Message

Understanding Text Messaging Costs
