Google reCAPTCHA Integration

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

Provided by Google, reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your website from spam and abuse by adding a simple test to your web or mobile experience.

You've probably seen reCAPTCHA when completing forms online.

reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive CAPTCHAs to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. It does this while letting your valid users pass through with ease.

Why use reCAPTCHA?

DailyStory Web Forms collect data from visitors to convert them into leads. To prevent bots (automated programs that attempt to SPAM or hack web forms) from completing a form you can add reCAPTCHA.

Add reCAPTCHA Integration

The steps below outline how to enable reCAPTCHA integration:

  1. Create your Google account or login to your Google account.
  2. Create your reCAPTCHA account.
  3. Register your domain. Choose v2 for DailyStory integration purposes. DailyStory does not use or support v3 yet.
  1. Once your domain is registered with Google, you will have two keys generated that you will need to copy and paste into DailyStory: Site key and Secret key .
  2. Enable the DailyStory Google reCAPTCHA integration. Navigate to Account Settings > Integrations and click on the gear icon and Configure for Google reCAPTCHA or click the Google Recaptcha title.
  1. Paste the Site Key and Secret Key received in step 4 click Save.

You can now drag-and-drop add the reCAPTCHA widget when building your DailyStory Web Forms.

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