
Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

DailyStory supports a robust permissions model used to control what users can do on the platform. An administrator of the account can create different permissions with limited access to certain features.

Important - enabling permissions has immediate impact to users. We recommend approaching permissions with a plan for who should and should not have access.

Read before turning on permissions

By default, permissions are "off'. With no permissions enabled, all users have full administrative rights.

When a permission is created, permissions are "on". When permissions are on, only the account owner has full administrative rights. All other user are given no rights unless that are granted.

Permissions are granted by setting what the permissions abilitiy is and adding users.

Create a permission

To add a permission, which will also enable permissions, click the Add Permission button, and name the permission.

Grant rights and add users

Once you create the permission, select the abilities granted and then add users.

Manage permissions

To edit the name, abilities, and users associated with it, just click on the Permission Name from the Manage Permissions page.

Permission Abilities

Note about the Administrator Permission: There is no limit to how many users can have this permission, and it grants access to the Account Settings section of your DailyStory application. Features (such as configuring permissions, adding users, enabling integrations, setting site options, creating API keys and more) are all restricted to the Administrator Permission.




Grants the administrator ability


Grants the ability to view and manage (create, edit and delete) automations


Grants the ability to view automations


Grants the ability to view and manage (create, edit and delete) campaigns


Grants the ability to view campaigns


Grants the ability to view a contact


Grants the ability to view and manage (create, edit and delete) contacts


Grants the ability to view content


Grants the ability to view and manage (create, edit and delete) content


Grants the ability to view segments.


Grants the ability to view and manage (create, edit and delete) segments


Grants the ability to send emails


Grants the ability to send text messages


Grants the ability to send push notifications


Grants the ability to view tasks


Grants the ability to manage tasks


Grants the ability to view available integrations


Grants the ability to enable and manage integrations


Grants the ability to view reports

Frequently Asked Questions

A user is in two roles, which role grants their permissions?

DailyStory is designed to grant the highest level of permission given by the roles a user belongs to. If a user is in multiple roles and the first role does not grant a permission, e.g. CampaignCanManage, but the second role does grant it, the user is given CampaignCanManage permission.

Does the name of the role matter for permissions?

No, but we recommend using names such as "Administrator" or "Content Editors" to help indicate what the role is used for.

Are roles available for API calls?

No, all API calls have full permission to perform all actions in DailyStory available through the API.

Can I have two roles with the same name?

No, you are not allowed to have two roles with the same name.

A role's permission was changed, when will it apply to the users?

Permissions are granted per session. Therefore, changes in a role's permissions are applied the next time the user logs in.

I changed permissions and locked myself out of the site

Contact your site owner, they will need to log in and add your account to an appropriate role to grant you the permissions you need.

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