Cloning a campaign

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

The cloning feature in DailyStory only applies to account holders who are utilizing subaccounts and have been setup accordingly in the system.

When subaccounts are enabled, the parent account can select a campaign and push a copy down to one or many of the subaccounts. Cloning creates a copy of the campaign and all of its assets and adds it to the selected subaccount(s).

To clone a campaign, follow these steps:

  1. From within a campaign, look at the sidebar menu and select Clone Campaign or from your all campaigns dashboard, click on the 3 dot menu next to the campaign you want to clone and select Clone Campaign.
  1. Place a checkmark in one or more subaccounts and click Clone Campaign
  1. The campaign name will copy over with the parent account's name added to the end or you can change the name before cloning. Next, click on Cloneand you will receive a "Hooray" confirmation on your screen before returning to the campaign.
Subaccounts will still need to make edits and customizations to incorporate their site specific information where appropriate.
  1. Once the campaign is cloned, the designated account owner of the subaccount will receive an email notification letting them know a campaign has been cloned down to them. To set or check who the account owner is, navigate to Account Settings in the subaccount.

How Did We Do?

Removing a Campaign from Archived Status

FAQs: Campaigns
