Account Defaults

Christy Cook Updated by Christy Cook

Use the options below to configure default preferences, such as the default name and email address to use in new emails, brand colors and text message auto-responder.

Email Default Sending Address

Set the default name and email address for new emails. You can still change between senders from the settings of an email.

Email Unsubscribe Landing Page

By default, DailyStory will use your application logo on the email unsubscribe and preferences page. This is the page email recipients are sent to if they click the unsubscribe or preferences link in an email:

If you would like to instead use a custom logo, this can be provided here.

An easy option here is to upload the image to the DailyStory File Manager and copy the URL.

Text Message Multimedia

In order to utilize MMS messaging (text message with images), you'll need to keep this setting enabled. This is turned on by default.

When disabled, an MMS message cannot be created, and an error message is shown:

Text Message Autoresponder

The Text Message Autoresponder will send an automatic reply back for any incoming text message not handled by an automation or keyword. This is a great way to set an out-of-office during holidays or weekends.

Enter the message you want to send and optionally the timeframe you would like all text message replies to receive your auto-responder. Leave the autoresponder message blank to disable autoresponding.

Contacts will only receive the auto-response once within an hour.

Standard message rates apply.

If you have an auto-response filled out but no end date, all replies across all campaigns will receive your auto-responder whenever a reply is sent.

Text Message Whitelist


Choose your brand colors or designer preferences for your marketing assets. You will still have access to all colors, but default colors will always populate in your color chart first.

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