Instamojo Integration

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

Instamojo is India's simplest online selling platform. It is an e-commerce platform offering software-as-a-service (SaaS) services for building and hosting online stores. By integrating Instamojo with DailyStory, you can leverage the DailyStory marketing automation platform to seamlessly send emails, text messages, push notifications and more.

How to integrate Instamojo and DailyStory

Instamojo integration with DailyStory requires several steps. To start, sign in from DailyStory and navigate to Integrations > Instamojo.

  1. Authorize DailyStory

Navigate to Account Settings > Integrations, and select Instamojo. Select "setup" and you are redirected to Instamojo (you may need to sign in). Approve DailyStory's access to your Instamojo store:

  1. Redirected back to DailyStory

Once authorized, you will be redirected back to DailyStory to confirm your integration is enabled.

Congratulations. Instamojo integration is now successfully configured! Data will begin importing into DailyStory from Instamojo within the next hour.

Instamojo Sync

Once Instamojo integration is enabled, DailyStory:

  • Automatically syncs customer data from Instamojo: DailyStory automatically begins syncing your customer data from Instamojo into DailyStory. This includes standard customer details, such as first and last name, email address and more. But it also includes Instamojo-specific data, such as order status, last order date and more.
  • Enables Instamojo-specific customer segments: Build customer segments based on data from Instamojo. These segments will automatically stay up-to-date as data in Instamojo changes.
  • Enables Instamojo-specific automations: Automations, such as abandoned cart, new customer welcome, customer retention, customer recognition and more, are easily enabled.

Fields synced from Instamojo

When Shopify integration is enabled, DailyStory automatically syncs data from Instamojo.

Instamojo sync is one-directional. And data from Instamojo will always be considered the "source of truth."

Standard fields

DailyStory will sync the following standard fields from Instamojo: first name, last name, email, address, city, state, postal code, and country. DailyStory also will automatically geocode (calculate the latitude and longitude) the contact record.

Instamojo-specific fields

In addition to standard fields, the following Instamojo-specific fields are synced. These fields are used for personalizing content, running automations (such as abandoned cart) or building segments, such as customers who haven't ordered in 6 months.



Customer Id

The unique identifier of the user in Instamojo. Accessible in personalization as profile.instamojo_customer_id.

Last Order Id

The identifier of the last order the customer placed in Instamojo. Accessible in personalization as profile.instamojo_last_order_id.

Order Status

The status of the customers last order in Instamojo. Accessible in personalization as profile.instamojo_order_status.

Last Order Date

The date/time of the last order the customer placed in Instamojo. Accessible in personalization as profile.instamojo_order_last_date.

Last Order Amount

The total spent on the last order in Instamojo. Accessible in personalization as profile.instamojo_last_order_amount.


A list of all the products the customer in Instamojo has purchased. Accessible in personalization as profile.instamojo_order_products.

Cart Abandoned Date

A date/time of when the customer abandoned their cart in Instamojo. Accessible in personalization as profile.instamojo_cart_abandon_date.

Ship Tracking URL

A URL to the customer's URL for tracking shipping in Instamojo. Accessible in personalization as profile.instamojo_tracking_url.

Last Order Coupon

The last coupon used by the customer for an order. Accessible in personalization as profile.instamojo_last_order_coupon.

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