Automation Guide

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

DailyStory includes a friendly, drag-and-drop automation builder. You can model out complex user journeys and experiences using Triggers, Actions and Conditions.

Common automation examples

  • Welcome a new customer
  • Thank you for contacting us
  • Happy Birthday
  • Happy Anniversary
  • We haven't seen you in a while
  • Loyalty point offers

Anatomy of an automation

  1. Triggers - a condition that has to be true for the automation to start. They "start" an automation. For example, when a new lead is added to a campaign.
  2. Actions - an action to be performed once the trigger is met. They "do" something. For example, send an email.
  3. Conditions - steps that support Yes/No logic branching. They "evaluate" something. For example, was an email opened.

You can find all active automations from the top navigation menu at Campaigns > Automations and campaign-specific automations on the Automations tab within the campaign.

Automations page layout

The Automations page will display all of your created automations across all campaigns. From the top of the page, you can access the Automations Menu (3 lines/hamburger menu), search for an automation, or quickly create a new automation.

You will also see a dropdown to filter by 'Show Running', 'Show Inactive', or 'Show All'.

For an individual automation line item, you can see what campaign it's assigned to, tell if it's running (or not), quickly access contacts lists who have completed the automation or are in progress, as well as access the Advanced Options Menu (3 dots) to export.

Automation Menu

Edit an automation

Once automation is created you additionally have access to the edit screen:

From the screen, you can easily change the name and description of the automation. And, configure if the automation is enabled or not.

You can additionally specify cancellation triggers. When a cancellation trigger occurs it can automatically cancel the automation from running further for the specific contact. An example is a cancellation trigger for an Abandon Cart automation to remove the contact from an automation if they have purchased their cart.

Finally, you can configure an automation to only run once per day. This is the Automation Schedule and is useful if you have an automation that sends daily reminders, such as for an upcoming appointment. This also helps automated texts not go out early in the am, or late in the pm.

Advanced Settings

Using the choices available in advanced settings you can reset the automation.

Reset Completed

When contacts complete an automation, such as a drip campaign, this option allows you to reset the completed status. This is useful when you have modified an automation and want contacts to "restart" where they left off.

For example, if you have a drip campaign and decided to add another email or SMS. You can add the new action or condition to the automation and then "Reset Completed". Contacts that successfully completed the automation will restart and run through the new actions or conditions.

Reset the Automation

This hard-deletes all contacts that have run through the automation. Effectively resetting the automation and allowing any contact that is eligible to be run through the automation again.

This may required the contact to be manually added or force a trigger.

We put together this guide to help you understand how to use Autopilot.

How Did We Do?

Design an Automation
