Built-in Email Guardrails

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

DailyStory enforces rules when sending emails. These rules are in place to help you effectively communicate and ensure simple mistakes are avoided.

A lead in a campaign is only sent an email once

When sending emails through automation or through the scheduler, DailyStory will ensure that a lead in a campaign will only receive your email once. This keeps you from sending the same email by accident, it allows tracking of email performance per unique send, and most importantly it ensures that email clients like GMAIL won't thread the two messages together as a single conversation and get flagged as spam.

What this means is that an email can be scheduled repeatedly for the same campaign or sent again through a workflow without any concern of over-sending the same email. If the recipient was previously sent the email, they will not be sent the email again.

If a recipient asks to be resent the email, send a single email.

Email addresses are automatically de-duplicated

While a recipient can only be sent an email once, it is entirely possible for multiple recipients to share the same email address. When both contacts are set to receive the email in a campaign, both will be marked as have been sent the email. However, the email will only go to the shared email address once.

The Contact must be Active

The contact who is set to receive the email must be an Active contact. Contacts marked as Deleted, for example, will not receive an email.

Lead status must be Active, Converted, or Nurturing

When a contact is added to a campaign it is called a lead. A lead in a campaign can only receive an email from that campaign if the lead's status is Active, Converted or Nurturing.

Contact must be opted in

Contacts who are marked as do not contact or have opted out of emails will not be sent emails.

The email address must be valid

Invalid email address and email addresses using the domain @example.com and @test.com will not be sent to.

Do not contact date must not be in the future

If a contact's do not contact until date is set to a future date, the email will not be sent.

If the email is marked as transactional this rule is skipped.

The do not contact date is handled differently for leads moving through an Automation: if a lead is set to receive a message through an automation, but the lead's do not contact until date is within the next week, the message will queue itself for delivery at that time. Otherwise the message will be not be send to the lead.

Setting the do not contact until date

The do not contact until date is set by either editing the contact and setting a do not contact until date or when the contact modifies their subscription preferences.

Setting do not contact until on the contact record

When viewing a contact, scroll to the bottom section "Opt out and Do Not Contact" and click the "Edit" button. If a contact has a do not contact date it will be shown here.

Next, set a future date and either "Save" or "Clear". To save a date the date must be in the future. Clicking "Clear" will remove the do not contact until date.

Recipient sets do not contact on email opt out screen

The recipient of an email can click on the opt out link in the email and change their email preferences. One of those preferences is choosing to opt out of messages until a point in time in the future.

When a recipient sets this, this sets their do not contact until date until the specified date.

The max contact frequency cannot be exceeded

If the contact's max contact frequency is exceeded (the maximum number of emails/day the contact can receive) the email will not be sent.

If the email is marked as transactional this rule is skipped.

How Did We Do?

Send an Email to a Single Contact

Create an Email Template
