Managing custom contact fields

Accessing the custom contact fields

The custom contact fields attached to your account depend on what fields you create and which third-party applications are integrated with your DailyStory account. Note: Only users with Administrator…

Christy Cook
Updated by Christy Cook

Creating custom contact fields

To create new custom fields, from the DailyStory navigation bar, select Contacts > Manage Custom Fields from the Contacts drop-down menu. This shows the current list of custom contact fields from int…

Christy Cook
Updated by Christy Cook

Sample custom field configuration

In the following sample configuration, a new custom contact field called Response Frequency is being created. The data type assigned to the new custom contact field is Text and the Pick list feature…

Christy Cook
Updated by Christy Cook

Enabling a custom field in search

When you're searching for contacts, you can use custom contact fields as filters to narrow down your search. The following is an example for when custom contact fields from MINDBODY ONLINE integratio…

Christy Cook
Updated by Christy Cook

Editing and arranging custom contact fields

Editing custom fields. To edit custom fields, select Contacts > Manage Fields from the main navigation bar. From the Customer Contact Fields list, click on the name of the field to edit its propertie…

Christy Cook
Updated by Christy Cook
