Personal Settings

Personal Settings

Personal Settings enable you to configure options related to your login account for DailyStory. This includes settings, such as email address, time zone, notifications and more. This guide provides a…

Christy Cook
Updated by Christy Cook

Manage Personal Subscriptions

Many of the reports in DailyStory can be subscribed to. When you subscribe to a report, the exported version of that report is emailed to you on either a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You choose!…

Christy Cook
Updated by Christy Cook

Changing Your Password

To change your password, sign in to your account. On your DailyStory homepage: Go to Account Settings > Personal Settings. Select Update Password. Click the Send Password Reset button. Enter your cur…

Rob Howard
Updated by Rob Howard

Personal Settings Frequently Asked Questions

How do I change my password? If you are already signed in to DailyStory, you can change your password by navigating to Account Settings > Change Password. If you are not signed in, or forgot your pas…

Christy Cook
Updated by Christy Cook
