Email Designer Widgets

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

The widget menu contains various email widgets that you can drag-and-drop onto the design canvas.

Below is a list of the widgets found in the email designer. These widgets are drag-and-dropped onto the design canvas when building an email.




The Text / HTML widget is used for adding text content to an email.

The Header widget is used to add headers into your email.

The Image widget is used for adding images to an email.

The Video widget is used for adding videos to an email. Videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and Vidyard are supported.

The Button widget is used for adding buttons to an email. Buttons are special HTML links with styling to display correctly in all email clients.

The Divider widget is used to easily add a horizontal divider line between two sections, such as two sections of text.

The Spacer widget enables you to easily add space between sections, such as between a section of text and an image.

The Social Icons widget is a special widget that displays a list of social icons with URLs set in Account Settings.

The Weather Forecast widget is a special widget that enables inserting a dynamic weather forecast into the email.

The Driving Directions widget is a special widget that inserts a clickable Google Map that opens Google Maps and automatically builds driving directions from the current location to the address specified.

The Personalization widget is a special content container. Add content to the container then specify personalization rules to determine when that content is shown. The widget makes it easy to use personalization in your emails without requiring use of personalization scripts.

The App Store widget is a special widget that displays the iOS and Android App Store buttons using the URLs set in Account Settings.

The Comment widget is a special widget that enables you to safely add comments in emails - comments are automatically removed when the email is sent.

The Footer widget is a special widget that displays footer content, such as address, unsubscribe, etc. set in Account Settings.


Layouts are special widgets used to re-create common email formatting.



Enables creation of an email layout that mirrors a forwarded message.

Enables creation of an email layout that uses a quoted reply.


Columns are special widgets used within a row to control specific layout.



The One Column widget is a special used when you need to highlight a box of content, image, or other content within a row's content section.

The 2 Column widget is a special widget used to create two columns within a row's content section.

The 3 Column widget is a special widget used to create two columns within a row's content section.


A row is a special widget that is added to the design canvas to control the layout of an email. Rows are stacked together to create the appropriate layout.

How Did We Do?

Text / HTML widget
