Email Marketing Guide

Rob Howard Updated by Rob Howard

DailyStory's email marketing engine helps you send targeted and personalized emails. Emails can be sent with automations, individually or by scheduling. For sent emails, DailyStory automatically tracks delivery, opens, clicks, opt-outs, and bounces.

To send emails in DailyStory from your current domain, we integrate with MailGun. DailyStory can configure this service for you or you can do it yourself.

Typical email examples

  • Welcome a new customer
  • Follow-ups
  • Subscription newsletters
  • Weekly or monthly product/service promotion
  • Tips or other educational material

Anatomy of an email

  1. "From" field - who is the email from
  2. Subject line - what is the email about
  3. Preview text - preview lines shown in recipient's inbox
  4. Header - top of the email, typically your logo or brand information
  5. Body - the "meat" of your message
  6. Call-To-Action - link to a behavior, what do you want them to do
  7. Visuals - images, videos, etc.
  8. Social Media links - icons that link to your social and digital media
  9. Footer - company information and ability to unsubscribe

Accessing emails page

You can navigate to your email messages page by clicking on the Emails button on the homepage or from the home navigation menu Outbound > Emails. This page displays your active emails list, which means the emails are assigned to an active campaigns.

Emails page layout

Your Emails page will display all of your active emails. From the top of the page, you can access the Emails Menu (3 lines/hamburger menu), quickly create a new email from a saved template or find new templates from the stock gallery.

From the itemized list, you can create a new email, access the Advanced Options Menu (3 dots), quickly access the email's reporting analytics, and see what campaign the message assigned to.

Email Menu



+ Create

Create a new email message


List of all active emails being used in campaigns


List of email messages whose attached campaign has been paused


List of email messages whose attached campaign was archived


List of email messages deleted in the last 7 days

Manage Senders

Create multiple send from names and addresses


Create, manage and edit email templates

Import Email

Import a DailyStory created email that has been exported


Reports dashboard for all email messages

Help & Feedback

Opens pop-up window for help with Email Messages

Resources to help you get started with DailyStory email.

How Did We Do?

Create an Email from a Template
